Reguli de la Supernanny. IRINA PETREA demontează miturile de parenting
ALTCEVA cu Adrian Artene
Acasă » Știri » alicia


De: Cancan 20/05/2013 | 17:04



ALICIA DOUVALL says her face was left so ravaged by plastic surgery she couldn’t even smile when baby Papaya was born.

The former glamour model also admits taking 17-year-old daughter Georgia out of a GCSE exam to babysit while she had yet another op.

In an extraordinary interview with The Sun on the obsession that has ruined her life, the mum-of-two — who has had more than 350 OPS — recalls the trauma when Papaya was born 16 months ago.

She says: “What I have done breaks my heart. Imagine holding your baby daughter for the first time and not being able to smile.

“I have been so selfish. Now my dream is for Papaya one day to see her mummy smile back at her for the first time.”

Last week, in a final bid to save her ravaged looks, 34-year-old Alicia had all her facial implants removed in a gruesome operation that involved having her JAW BROKEN in two places.

She also had her EARS CUT OFF to allow the skin to be stretched back across her skull before they were reattached. Her NOSE WAS BROKEN while two upper and lower implants were removed, while others were removed from her cheeks and chin.

Now she has vowed never to have any further surgery, bar one corrective op which could stop her face drooping “like a stroke victim’s”.

And in a warning to the thousands of teenagers who have plastic surgery each year in the UK, Alicia is launching a campaign to show the devastating effects on the body which such procedures can cause.

Comparing herself to former model Katie Piper — who was disfigured when acid was thrown in her face in 2008 — Alicia says: “I am the same as her, it’s just that my attackers wore white gowns and I paid them to do it.

“I have lost my looks and my life has been ruined. I did the most terrible things to try to be perfect and was blinded by what surgeons were telling me.

“I have spent £1.2million on surgery and I lost my 20s because of it. I have never smiled at my little girl and I have to live with the fact that I took Georgia out of her art GCSE exam to babysit Papaya while I went under the knife.

“I can’t drink properly, it is supposed to be through a straw, and I have disfigured myself. This isn’t what the surgeons promised — it was all smoke and mirrors.

“I want every young girl and their mothers out there to know that plastic surgery for looks is simply wrong.

“Shows like The Only Way Is Essex promoting girls with big boobs and lips to kids disgusts me.

“Any teenager asking their parents for a boob job needs psychological help, not bigger breasts. Parents have a responsibility too.”

Since Alicia was 17 she has had implants in her buttocks, lips, cheeks and nose. She has had multiple nose jobs and 16 boob jobs.

One remarkable operation was to have her TOES SHORTENED. She says: “It was so my feet would look good in sandals. But then I started bumping into things.

“When I asked the doctors about it they said it was because your toes help with spatial awareness. It’s funny — they didn’t tell me that before they took my money.” In one bungled operation a nerve was severed, leaving Alicia with a droop on the left side of her face.

During her corrective surgery, clips were implanted to try to even out the tissue. It had a 50-50 chance of working — and it failed.

She says: “It means I have to decide whether or not to have the same nerve on the right side of my face severed to even it out — effectively mutilating myself to try to look normal, which is ironic.

“Through surgery to try to look better I have the same symptoms as a stroke victim.”

In her 20s Alicia was on a par with glamour girl Katie Price, dating celebs such as Mickey Rourke and Mick Hucknall. She has also boasted of bedding Simon Cowell.

She says: “That life doesn’t mean anything to me now. I look in the mirror and hardly recognise myself. I can’t even imagine getting a boyfriend.

“It makes me so angry when I look at pictures of myself when I was 17, when I had my first surgery — I was so pretty. How surgeons allowed me to go on and on is beyond me.

„I know nearly every surgeon on Harley Street and I know who they have treated. And trust me, they tell the same thing to everyone.”

The first time Alicia tried to beat her addiction to plastic surgery began in 2008, when she went to a Malibu clinic for help. She stayed for 30 days.

She says: “It was the best I had felt in my life. I came out thinking I was cured but it doesn’t work like that. I had more surgery — relapsing — and checked myself back in.”

Alicia went to Malibu three times between 2008 and 2010 and says: “People can’t believe you can be addicted to surgery, but listen, I’m it, and you can.

“You get rehab and you may relapse but that doesn’t mean you are a hopeless cause.

“Just like an alcoholic leaving rehab and having a drink, it doesn’t mean they’re a hopeless cause. They’ve just relapsed during recovery. I was the same. You don’t just give up.”

Alicia speaks candidly of her 20s, when she was famous for her FF breasts, transformed from size AA with surgery.

She recalls: “Of course I’d get abuse in the street. I looked ridiculous, I see it now. I didn’t then, and that’s the whole point.

“I used to walk into a plastic surgeon’s office with a Barbie doll, point at it and say, ‘I want that.’

“People can criticise me all they want but I am desperately trying to make it clear to young people not to make the mistakes I did.

“I have been there. Every surgery they are considering, I have done. And if I could go back, I wouldn’t have had the first.”

And Alicia has a message for women who she accuses of promoting plastic surgery, such as Sun columnist Katie Price.

She says: “She is a very powerful woman and look at the state of her — what a disgusting role model for young girls. I’m ashamed to think I was ever one of them. But I am determined to move forward for my children.”


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